Methods for Performance Appraisal

Employee performance is the result of work that has been accomplished by an employee, and usually any work result will be evaluated with the standards that have been set previously.

Assessment, then, will be needed so that employees in a company can provide the best work results. Thus, the performance appraisal is done to evaluate the job performance of each employee, especially in relation to predetermined targets.

After the performance appraisal is done, there will be either a reward or punishment will be given to employees. Performance appraisal, therefore, is a legitimate part of every organization, which in essence been integrated into HR Management. Continue reading

The Importance of Performance Appraisal

Human resources become one of competitive advantage and a key element to support success of company. Therefore, the management of human resources within an organization takes an important part, particularly if a company has such a mission as to serve community with the finest product of any.

Basically, human resources management is a part of the company’s workforce, in which humans are always active and plays dominant role in any activities of the organization. Human, or in this sense, employees, are valuable asset; just like any other assets, they need to be managed. At which point, such a department as Human Resource Development become the one to handle that asset. Continue reading

Key Elements of Good Performance Appraisal

Human resource management has administered to bring evolutionary changes and positive influences in the work place – specially giving importance on employee performance appraisal. Employee performance appraisal has just as well been introduced by the modern pioneers of time and motion studies in the field of human resource management. It has not been practiced in the fields of business and organizational work for too long in a well-defined manner, and is thus a contemporary element of work place culture.

Looking at the historical aspects of performance appraisal, we will see that it initiated near the times of Second World War. A hypothesis researched by Dulewics in 1989 suggested that it is a basic human tendency to make judgments about the work of others and our self. From this hypothesis it was concluded that performance evaluation is inevitable and is indeed a natural process. Continue reading