The Power of Management Style to Enhance Your Team Performance

Management style is very crucial for any organization or corporation. This is because if you don’t have an effective management style, the organization will surely collapse.

This will certainly affect the sales or income of the company. Management style is the method of management methods or systems that one should follow in order to succeed. Any corporation or business must have an effective management style. It is considered as an essential key to success of a company.

As there are several types of management styles, it is quite difficult to choose the right one. This is because you will able to choose the one that can be beneficial for your needs and requirements.

Each type of management style does have its advantage and disadvantages. Choosing the wrong one can cause chaos on the organization. Continue reading

Managing Performance the Right Way

Implementing effective performance management is no easy task. It requires you to maintain a balance between two key interests; an interest in the development and personal wellbeing of your employees, and an interest in maintaining the success and efficiency of your company.

Therefore, in essence, performance management is a balance between compassion and professional accountability. At least this is how good performance management should be undertaken. In the more stereotypical sense, you may think of performance management as being a cold and rigid process of seeking out the weak links in your business and eradicating them.

However in the modern context, all businesses should show a concern for their employees and should be willing to help them meet the challenges which may be affecting their performance. Continue reading

Plan Do Check Act – Cycle of Good Performance

The main purpose of every organization is profit and to achieve that profit, you have to work on your sales. How you will know that what is the right time to imply the preferred strategy? What results will it take? Moreover, how will you overcome if it did not work? These numbers of question surround our mind and we simply do not know how to answer them at once.

The theory of ‘plan do check act’ has been specifically designed for such situations. It is not a new theory but has been there for a long time. These are the four easy steps, which will make your work very much easier and will take the pressure off from both the senior and junior department. Continue reading

Frequent Employee Feedback Can Improve Job Performance and Career Development

Performance feedback is when a boss or a leader holds one-on-one performance discussion with an employee or staff member. What is it for? Every organization has its own pre-established work criteria and objectives and the company needs to monitor that all employees are following them. Performance appraisal is a very crucial part of organization management as it helps in career development, employee satisfaction, retention and motivation.

Many companies keep an annual feedback meeting with its employees and all issues or drawbacks are discussed in a group or two. Without proper feedback, employees become stagnant in their work assuming what and how they are doing it is good or satisfactory. Thus, an annual task of discussing work performance can be scary for employees and time-consuming in the eyes of a manager. Continue reading

Employee Performance Appraisal System

Resources are most precisions asset for any company. Growth of company depends upon the work employees are produced. Human Resource management department is responsible to manage the performance of employees in any organization.

Resources works in different departments deal with different nature of work and face different situation. Position defines the expected performance of the resource and during evolution when employee performance is measured, job description gives the standard expected measurement that either an employee fulfilling his duties and meeting the responsibilities or not. Continue reading