What is the Best Leadership Theory ?

On the early 20th century, more and more people became interested in leadership. This has led to the development of different leadership theories. If you try to examine these theories, you will find out that it is all about the distinguishing characteristics of leaders and their followers. Other theories looked into variables such as skill levels and situational factors.

To learn more about leadership, you need to know the 8 major types of leadership theories. Though there are lots of theories that are still emerging, these types are the main classifications.

To start with, the Great Man Theory is one of the most popular. In this leadership theory, it is believed that an individual is born and destined to become a leader. The term ‘man’ is used because when this theory was conceptualized men had greater power than women. Continue reading

Benefits of Attending Leadership Program at Harvard Business School

Looking for potential leaders in today’s fast-paced world is a formidable challenge.

Businesses are looking for effective and competent leaders to sustain their competitive edge and achieving the company growth in the years to come. Harvard Business School is one of the best places where you can find alternatives to accelerate your learning experience.

At present, Harvard Business School is offering three leadership programs. If you are interested in taking up any of the programs, all you have to do is gather the needed information and pick the right program that suits your needs.

This program is suited to functional specialists and experienced managers. If you are to assume cross-functional responsibilities, you must be equipped with the correct right techniques or strategies to become a good decision maker. These techniques and strategies can make you a good leader. Continue reading

Leadership Styles and Leadership Models

Leadership is a process in which one man can influence others to follow him toward a certain organizational mission, goal or vision. As the business world grows and the world becomes more globalized, previous leadership attributes have been reckoned useless. With time, more and more leadership theories have emerged. In the globalized business, leaders’ power has switched from authoritarian to manipulative tactics. Continue reading

Different Types of Leadership – Leadership Style

‘It was not possible without the team effort’ this is something what we use to hear from our boss after completion of every successful strategy. Sometimes this is the case but sometimes they just say it to boost the morale of all the employees. Why they would just tell their employees something, which is actually not true? The answer is simple; they believe that they will do better if they feel comfortable with their leader.

Leadership is necessary in every field whether it is sports or at home, but the real skill testing of any leader would be in the professional world of any organization. It becomes very important to choose that what type of leader you would be as to create an impression on your workplace. Continue reading

How to Improve My Leadership Skills?

Many people think that leadership skills are can inherent. But there are wrong. True leaders are made through experiences and hardship. Leadership skill is interconnected to communication skill. If you have effective communication with your constituent they will treat you a good leader. Being a leader is not easy. You will face many problems and it will surely make your life ruined.

People think that being a leader is easy as 1, 2, 3. Being a leader takes time. Like a fruit, it needs a right time to be ripe and become sweet one. You must always remember that the betterment of every people and the society depends on your own hand. There are fundamental skills that all leaders must share whether you are leading commercial enterprises, company or even a country and that is leadership skill. Continue reading

Leadership Skills and Motivation Skills

There is an interesting fact that not everyone has the skills of becoming the leader of other people although everyone has leaders inside. A leader has preeminent skills that others suppress due to many reasons such as family culture and upbringing. Among the many important skills that a leader should have are summarized in the discussion below.

ting what you want and understand what others communicate to you to express what they want. Although this fundamental skill may seem simple and easy, understanding the art of communication and transform it into the universal language for everyone to share the understanding takes a good leader to achieve. This important part of leadership skills is not actually as easy as it sounds. Continue reading

Decision Making Skills and Leadership Skills

Leadership Skills is the capability to direct people to do what we want from them. A leader with Leadership Skills is important to make sure the organization achieves their goal. A leader works based on the planning. They direct the people to do the tasks exactly as it written in the plan at the exact time.

Leadership Skills are not just about dividing tasks fairly to the member, but also to convince the member that they can do it and to control their job to be done in the exact time. To achieve the goal, a leader must gain obedience from the members. To do so, a leader must possess Leadership Skills and stick to that skills. Leadership Skills include behaviors and characters that represent a leader. Continue reading