Leadership Training at General Electric – Learning from Best Practices

General Electric has a campus for corporate learning, and it has been around since 1956. This is where influential minds in business and academia converge every year.

Top level executives and entry-level employees look forward to a life-changing learning experience. For GE employees, the Crotonville defines a huge event in their career. The structure of the campus promotes learning at different levels because the company believes that learning should never stop.

GE is known worldwide, and its technologies have surpassed the toughest challenges through the years. Qualified candidates can take advantage of full-time internships. Continue reading

Leadership Training at Citibank – Learning from Best Practices

To enjoy the benefits of being part of Citibank, you have two choices – direct placement and leadership programs. Leadership training at Citibank is not that complicated, and if you want to succeed in this venture, you should be willing to undergo appropriate programs.

In the 18-month leadership training, you will experience the diversity of positions at Citibank. You will be assigned to different positions, and this hands-on experience is what you need to succeed.

Challenging job assignments will help you gain new knowledge and skills. Aside from that, the Citibank Learning Center experts will also provide you with refined web-based training. Continue reading

Leadership Training at Coca Cola : Learning from Best Practices

Associates that are interested in leadership training at Coca-Cola can check the e-learning or field training at CCU or Coca-Cola University.

This is the education curriculum of the company which serves as the key to realizing the full potential of associates.

The learning portfolio of CCU does not only focuses on leadership, but also on human rights, marketing, diversity, ethics, finance, sustainability, and other relevant courses.

Every year, a performance review is being conducted. The manager and associates need to discuss and examine the results of such performance review based on the set objectives and goals for the year. Continue reading

Leadership Training at West Point Academy

When it comes to the military leadership training, the West Point Academy may be the best. Undoubtedly, this military school has been producing the best leaders in every military branch especially if a soldier has undergone military leadership training at West Point Academy.

Military leadership is formed in a sequential and continuing series. Likewise, the training is carefully planned along with experiential events.

Such training is more expensive and time consuming as compared to any similar training in the government or industry. The good thing about this training is that military leaders execute high levels of authority and responsibility. Continue reading

Leadership Training at Google – Learning from Best Practices

It is believed that a “good leader is a good follower”, yet being a leader is a responsibility that should be taken effectively.

Being a leader does not literally mean to lead others, but you need also to know how to manage change and at the same time develop as well as maintain productive working environment. That is why it is necessary to hone oneself on how to become a good leader.

Nowadays, there is much training that teaches individuals to be a good leader. It is important to make the right choice so that you can ensure getting the right information. Fortunately, you can attend leadership training at Google offered to an interested person. Continue reading

Leadership Training Programs at Boeing

Boeing is a reputed aerospace leader for many years. For almost a hundred years now, the company’s people have used their passion, creativity, and desire in developing innovative aerial solutions. You are lucky to be part of the leadership training at Boeing.

Learning programs are offered internally, and millions of dollars are allotted for tuition reimbursements just in case employees prefer to take up a program in a prominent school.

The people at Boeing have many opportunities to become a leader. There are informal and formal mentoring or development programs. All you have to do is check out the Leadership Center. Continue reading

The Secrets of Great Leadership

At all levels of business you will find individuals who claim to know the secrets of great leadership.

Some will say that leadership requires a ruthless and hard line attitude, others favour a more inclusive and gentle approach. But whatever the approach, the fact is that being a leader is no easy task.

As it happens, being a successful and dynamic leader requires one to embody a whole host of desirable qualities. Whilst it has been argued by some that these qualities are to some extent inborn, there is nothing to suggest that anyone cannot embrace them, and in doing so, become a great leader.

In order to fully develop some of the qualities needed to become a great leader, you may want to consider management development training. In the meantime though, here are a few basics. Continue reading