Quality at Work : How to Improve Your Work Quality?

Quality at work is of great importance for both the employer and the employee. It is said that if the conditions are favorable at a work place for the individuals working in the environment, productivity will increase.

An organization, which provides its employers with promotion, growth and learning opportunities, job security, incentive and rewards, make certain that its employees will remain motivated and hence they will increase the quality at work they do.

Managers and executives are searching everyday about learning how to increase and retain quality of the work that their employees do. Pick up a newspaper or magazine and you will see that they are filled with views on how to increase the quality at work. Continue reading

Frequent Employee Feedback Can Improve Job Performance and Career Development

Performance feedback is when a boss or a leader holds one-on-one performance discussion with an employee or staff member. What is it for? Every organization has its own pre-established work criteria and objectives and the company needs to monitor that all employees are following them. Performance appraisal is a very crucial part of organization management as it helps in career development, employee satisfaction, retention and motivation.

Many companies keep an annual feedback meeting with its employees and all issues or drawbacks are discussed in a group or two. Without proper feedback, employees become stagnant in their work assuming what and how they are doing it is good or satisfactory. Thus, an annual task of discussing work performance can be scary for employees and time-consuming in the eyes of a manager. Continue reading

What Are Typical Questions in Job Interview?

There are typical questions in job interview that every applicant should be prepared for. Although there are variations to the questions, it’s very important to give a direct and accurate answer that will help them decide that the person is truly right for the job and position.

The applicant should practice in front of the mirror and understand the statements instead of just memorizing. Staying prepared for these questions will increase the person’s chances of giving a solid first impression and getting accepted. Continue reading