Handling Office Politics Effectively

Have you experienced office politics? It can really be stressful or uncomfortable depending on its level and the persons involved. Hopefully, favoritism is not a factor as this makes office politics extremely uncomfortable. There are some tips that may be useful in dealing with it.

If office politics is causing you a lot of stress and it has already become unbearable, speak with your manager and let her or him know that you’re uncomfortable with the situation. On the other hand, if the source of discomfort is your boss’ nephew or niece, you may want to rethink your approach or look for a new employment. Always allow quitting be your last solution. Continue reading

Leadership Training at Coca Cola : Learning from Best Practices

Associates that are interested in leadership training at Coca-Cola can check the e-learning or field training at CCU or Coca-Cola University.

This is the education curriculum of the company which serves as the key to realizing the full potential of associates.

The learning portfolio of CCU does not only focuses on leadership, but also on human rights, marketing, diversity, ethics, finance, sustainability, and other relevant courses.

Every year, a performance review is being conducted. The manager and associates need to discuss and examine the results of such performance review based on the set objectives and goals for the year. Continue reading

Download Amazing Management Presentation Slides

The company’s tactical and strategic development plans rely a great deal on presentation materials. For this purpose, you will find management presentation slides very helpful.

Ever since the popularity of PowerPoint and other similar tools has increased, more and more executives and key personnel have utilized the presentation slides to their benefit.

Most of the time the management presentation slides is created by a key employee or the management team of a company. It serves as one of the best communications tools during meetings, discussions, and other important gatherings. Continue reading

Information About HR Power Point Slides

HR management team needs knowledge to create development strategy. Before, they perform training program to worker, the team needs to learn how to do it. HR PowerPoint slides are slides about HR management in many topics that will help people to increase knowledge in HR management. Continue reading

Some HR Tools that Companies Need to Use

Human Resources Department (HRD) can be seen as the base part of a company. It may stand alone as department or have integrated function with other departments. HR has functions in training and development, organizational development and career development where each of them is related to the people. And it is not as simple as it seems as there are three main challenges faced by HRD, i.e. minimizing turnover, maximizing employee performance and developing career plans. Continue reading

The Importance of Talent Management

Talent management is another term that can be heard of in human resources department. In fact, many HR professional develop some concern about this term due to the many studies that show an increasing number in workers that was needed in the future. Talent management itself refers to the act of recruiting, developing and retaining talented employee for the sake of the company itself, to achieve their goal in the first place. Continue reading

Remuneration Policy in Every Company and Organization

In every company and organization, there is something that called remuneration policy. Remuneration policy or compensation policy is form of compensation that was given to someone in exchange for the service or work that was performed.  People know it mostly by its other name, salary or wage. But, monetary form is not the only one that considered as remuneration policy, since there are other types of non monetary form as well. Continue reading