Setting Goals for Long Term Perspective

Everyone set goals in his/her life. Either it is your personal goal of buying BMW; academic goal of passing exams with outstanding graduates or even if it is your professional goal of becoming CEO of a company.

Everyone lives by setting goals. Setting goalsand working hard to achieve that goal gives the assurance of continuous progress. Self satisfaction is obtained when visible progress is observed in achieving goals. We are born with the strong problem solving skills that helps us in raising the graph of growth.

Goals should be realistic, challenging, and measurable and it should be defined for specific time. Deadline should be set. Goals can be long term or short term. Continue reading

Root Cause Analysis – Tool Process To Eliminate A Problem

Root cause analysis refers to the in-depth study of the problem. It is done to acknowledge the actual and the main reason behind any problem. Root cause analysis is helpful to figure out and alleviate those factors that are causing any problem or are the main reason behind your problem.

Hence, root cause analysis is generally referred as a problem-solving tool to figure out the underlying reasons behind a problem—the root cause!

If you are facing any physical ailment or a medical problem, you might check the symptoms behind it and try to cure it according to the nature of symptoms.

This is actually a proper way to deal with a medical problem. However, what will you do if you have to face any problem in your workplace or in daily life routine? Do you think that approaching the symptoms behind it would be enough to solve your problem? Yes? No! Continue reading

How to Cope With Pressure at Workplace

Nowadays the competition is increasing and that means the companies have to find solutions in a quick way. If we start looking this from a consumer perspective, they would think that as good sign because competition will definitely improve the productivity.

If we look at this from manufacturer’s point of view, they would rather feel the pressure of the new entrant. Most of all, it would be a testing time for employees because they would be the one who really have to bear this pressure and transform it into productivity.

That is not the only pressure situation that an employee has to face at work, there is a lot more in addition. Such as the working environment, as sometimes an employee does not get adjust to it and finds it difficult to work under that conditions. This is something that an employee has to deal with himself because it is not the job of the organization to provide home atmosphere to their employees. Continue reading

Developing Report Writing Skills

A report can be defined as a document that presents information or testimonial of any circumstance or issue in a structured manner. The objective of the report is to provide explanation and analysis on any matter of importance. Report writing is not a difficult task; however, the lack of know-how of report writing makes it a confusing and cumbersome process for some.

With growing emphasis on corporate transparency, reports play a crucial role of providing daily information to the management, which helps them in solving complex problems and making informed, and planned, decisions for the company. Reports can also be used for judging individual, or team, understanding or performance, for example in schools or colleges. Unlike essays, reports do not present an argument. They only provide information, analysis and recommendations. Continue reading

Quality at Work : How to Improve Your Work Quality?

Quality at work is of great importance for both the employer and the employee. It is said that if the conditions are favorable at a work place for the individuals working in the environment, productivity will increase.

An organization, which provides its employers with promotion, growth and learning opportunities, job security, incentive and rewards, make certain that its employees will remain motivated and hence they will increase the quality at work they do.

Managers and executives are searching everyday about learning how to increase and retain quality of the work that their employees do. Pick up a newspaper or magazine and you will see that they are filled with views on how to increase the quality at work. Continue reading

Productivity at Work : How to Boost Your Productivity at Work?

Productivity at work has become one of the most important and talked-about things in the corporate world. In this era of global business and competition, productivity at work defines how flexible and responsive a company is to the demands of the customer.

A company with low productivity at work is bound to fall short on customers’ expectations and be slow in responding to their needs. Therefore, it is of paramount importance that productivity at work is maximized, so that deadlines are met, needs fulfilled and revenue increased.

Every person is productive to varying extents. Moreover, every person has tried to increase his productivity at work, at some point of his professional career. There are many ways that productivity at work can be increased. A few of them are explained below. Continue reading

Telesales Tips : How to Become Great Telesales People

It is a process, in which salespeople call potential customers to trying to convince them to buy their product. A talented telesales person just needs to know how to convince people. People think that individual who are sales people require no skills, well that assumption is wrong. It takes a lot of skills, techniques, and working to develop you as a telesales professional.

Below I have gather some tips that will help you in becoming a telesales professional. Continue reading