Human Capital Development Process : Understanding Key Roles of Factory Manager

The roles of factory manager are the guidelines that help factory managers in improving and developing their managerial capabilities.

Factory managers are able to improve and excel by understanding and following the organizations roles of factory management.

In a factory, it is important to provide the employees with excellent and well capable factory manager that can guide and help every employee in improving and developing their workmanship.

For a factory manager to effectively manage its members, it is important that the factory manager should follow and understand the importance of the roles of factory manager and its benefits.

Successful factory organizations consist of visionary a manager who has a clear understanding of the factories mission statement and rules. The important part and task of every factory manager is to lead and manage its team in developing and improving its members. Continue reading

Frequent Employee Feedback Can Improve Job Performance and Career Development

Performance feedback is when a boss or a leader holds one-on-one performance discussion with an employee or staff member. What is it for? Every organization has its own pre-established work criteria and objectives and the company needs to monitor that all employees are following them. Performance appraisal is a very crucial part of organization management as it helps in career development, employee satisfaction, retention and motivation.

Many companies keep an annual feedback meeting with its employees and all issues or drawbacks are discussed in a group or two. Without proper feedback, employees become stagnant in their work assuming what and how they are doing it is good or satisfactory. Thus, an annual task of discussing work performance can be scary for employees and time-consuming in the eyes of a manager. Continue reading