The Benefits of Management Online Training

Management training is essential to anyone who owns a business or working for someone. It gives a lot of benefits such as getting a promotion or showing expertise to potential investors.

Management online training is one of the essential training programs to consider because of its flexibility in terms of time. This is perfect for those working professionals as they need not miss their works in order to attend the training course. It is because you can take the training course at your own convenience.

Taking management training is very necessary nowadays so that you can cope up with the changes and innovations in the business. Continue reading

Human Capital Strategy

Human capital and intellectual properties are the most important assets of organization. Large field would be nothing without people to cultivate it. High tech equipment is weapon but without the operator, it would be useless. Huge fund is vital to build business but without people to manage the money, it would be wasted. For that reason, human capital strategy takes a big portion on the growth of the company. Continue reading

Presentation Skills Knowledge

Very important skills needed to be manager or other positions that require you to explain things in front of people are presentation skills. Presenting seems easy when you see someone do it but if you have to do it yourself, you may find it hard. Presenting is more than just reading the words on the screen. Presenting is about making people understand and interest. Continue reading

Information About HR Power Point Slides

HR management team needs knowledge to create development strategy. Before, they perform training program to worker, the team needs to learn how to do it. HR PowerPoint slides are slides about HR management in many topics that will help people to increase knowledge in HR management. Continue reading

Tips for Recruitment Strategy with Social Media

How do you usually hire new employees? Do you share advertisements on TV, newspapers and other old-fashioned advertising media? Though it is still useful, there is more practical way to save your time. It is using the social media.

More and more people go online. They do not only use search engines to look for information or visit commercial websites to shop. Today, they spend their time most on the World Wide Web to access their social media accounts. It means that you will need to use the same platforms to get connected to them.

The social media users are not just the commoners. Even professional and famous people also us the same tools to communicate and share thoughts to others. If you are looking for the suitable candidates to your vacancies, it is going to be a good strategy when using the social media platforms to find them. It is what now called as social hiring.

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Some HR Tools that Companies Need to Use

Human Resources Department (HRD) can be seen as the base part of a company. It may stand alone as department or have integrated function with other departments. HR has functions in training and development, organizational development and career development where each of them is related to the people. And it is not as simple as it seems as there are three main challenges faced by HRD, i.e. minimizing turnover, maximizing employee performance and developing career plans. Continue reading

Career Plan Process

In this day, many people find themselves trap in the office and doing the job they don’t like. Doing the job that makes people unhappy is not the way to live although sometimes people can’t avoid any of this. This is when career planning comes through, where it basically helps people to focus on their career and give people the best chance to get what they really want in their life. Continue reading