How Planning and Organizing Helps in Organization’s Success?

Management is an activity to achieve the goal effectively and efficiently with and through people in a given timeline. Management is the backbone for any company. If the management is performing well in company, it can be expected the company’s goal will be achieved in successful manner.

For any organization, it is very important to have strong management so that could have touched the sky smoothly by excellent planning and organizing skilled people. There are four core functions of management, which include planning, organizing, leading and controlling.

Planning and organizing are pillars of management. Planning tells what to do and organizing tells how to do. In planning phase, company defines the goal; establish the strategy to accomplish those goals and plan is developed to synchronize the activities. Planning should be simply written that clearly elaborates the objectives of the organization.

It is not necessary that every plan will turn out on expectations because environment changes every day. In this case, plan B should be in hand so that with changing scenarios plan is not affected.

Planning includes mission statement, objective, goals and action plan. SWOT analysis is done that highlights the strength, weaknesses, opportunities and threat for the organization. How much success space is there in the market for any organization can be investigated by SWOT analysis. 

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Priorities are listed down and need of the resources for specific task is measured. Policies and procedures are written down. Planning is necessary as it provides direction and gives perspective. It also engages the concerned people for coordination and communication those would be involved in accomplishing the goals.

Organizing comes after planning; it is a phase wherea road map is prepared that act as a guideline forhelping in reaching company’s ambition.In this phase it is determined what tasks are to be done, who will do and how it will be done. Other than this, it is kept in observation at which point what decision is to be taken. Organizing refers to the process of developing relationship among various job descriptions.

Responsibilities for each job are determined. Rules and regulations are defined for the employees. By successfully organizing things overload is reduced, duplication of work is prohibited.

Implementation of planning and organizing comes after defining and preparing the road map. It includes the actual work is to be done. Assigning task to the resources and getting work from or through them within time is the actual implementation of planning and organizing. If organization’s management is failed to get work by people effectively and efficiently then planning and organizing have no value.

Motivating, dealing, leading or any other action that involves interaction with people is leading. Leading in well mannered decides the quality of work to be produced by people.

It people will work under best leadership, desired quantity and quality work will be shaped. Meanwhile, motivating the employees is very essential, organization has to listen complains and problems they are facing while working within the organization and company should focus on resolving those issues. Conflicts occur between employees at professional level and company should focus on avoiding creating or developing such environment. 

At the end, controlling is the last but not the least function of management. It includes the monitoring the production. It also measures the quality and quantity of the production.

Managers have to carry out the plans. They have to make the strategy, they plan, organize, lead and control. No matter how well strategy is formed but if it would not be carried out properly nothing would work. Competition is tough and organizations have to keenly make the center of attention. Mangers set the goals, make an agenda and follow the plan. They deal closely with the non-managerial employees. Managers have to inspire the production line by setting examples based on their personal experience.

Managers should adopt democratic leadership style rather than autocratic style. They have to monitor the productivity of employees and if need he can be harsh to have the work done.  

Hierarchy of managers defines the job of managers. Usually, the senior management does formal planning and organizing. It is permanent in nature and managed by official managers. Top management has formal authority of making long-term decision while planning and organizing that help an organization to have good result at the end. 

Informal planning and organizing is also taken place but it is temporary in nature and changes with time. It is prepared to handle production line of any organization. Middle management does this to observe and handle the productivity of specific group members.

In success of any company, management and managers play very important role. Skilled managers with gifted planning and organizing skills can shape the destiny of any company. They should have primarily decision making, interpersonal and strategic planning abilities that would let the company to accomplish desired goals.

Read excellent article about Best Performance Management Strategy.

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