When the Right Time to Resign

A lot of people feel like they’re stuck in their job and are already wondering when the right time to resign. It’s important to consider a few things first and also determine if there are new opportunities available to maintain financial stability.

A lot of people make the mistake of getting out of employment quickly only to realize that there’s no backup plan. The best thing to do is prepare the needed actions and then ensure that the process goes smoothly. Continue reading

The Do and Don’ts to Improve Your Presentation Skills

Management Presentation is a manner of putting one-self forward in front of audience to convey any message or any type of information with regard to several topics prevailing in the society. It is often a demonstration, a welcoming speech or a lecture. Presentations are of three different types, informative, analyzing and persuading.

However, the types of audiences are much more than the types of presentations because the audience is made up of people and you can find an entire range of variation among people. However, audiences can be classified into four groups:

1. Captives
2. Pragmatists
3. Committed
4. And Socially motivated. Continue reading