Information technology is a field which is mainly connected to many other fields, such as human resource management. In general, a company might have been utilized a particular form of information technology to control over the whole aspect of organization, such as staff management, working performance, goals, deadlines, promotions, and documentation. This article would like to compare how one company has handled certain issues in term of Human Resource Management. With this, we have the intention to connect the issue with how they have used certain forms of information technology to manage and control Human Resources Management. We will be bringing the analysis by giving you a brief introduction on how several companies, such as IBM, Toshiba America Medical Systems, Inc., and Shaw’s Supermarket, have handled human resources issues using certain information technology forms.
Before we start with analysis, some of you might be asking about why these information technologies become important in those aspects of managing-and-handling-worker-senses which usually involve the work of HR department. With new technology that is now available, Human Resource information system become more and more important. It transforms the performance of HR operations, made it possible to keep all the records accurate. Moreover, Human Resource information system should help a company to prepare for further growth. An easy-to-detect of example can be seen from new pattern of workers recruitment, which is now depends on the use of internet.
Most systems which are developed to support Human Resource information system allow HR professional to produce faster and more effective outcomes. It is better than providing records through paper. Many applications had been used to support HR professional. These applications were including training experiences, training management, risk management, applicant search expenditures, clerical applications, succession planning, turnover analysis, financial planning, human resource planning, attendance analysis and reporting, strategic planning, and accident prevention and reporting. How these applications do benefited the company. The next paragraphs will be telling you more about how HRIS works.
Began in January, 2007, IBM has been developed a new media function, which in essence found its main from around social media. This function is handled by corporate communication department, and the “new media” form acts as expert consultants, which have a job in handling certain issues related to RSS, wikis, blogs, and any other forms of social media. The main purpose of this “new media” is to promote programs, support and educate staffs who utilize one of these forms of information technology. Of course we shouldn’t be surprised of the use of “new media” like the IBM has utilized. The company has a long history as one of the companies that use information technology properly; perhaps you remember an event in 2001 when 50,000 IBM’s employees worldwide joined an online session in which company’s goals were shared to them.
From this example, we can see that a company like IBM has been realized the role of social media, which was eventually necessary. IBM has been realized a fact in which the number of mobile and young workforce was increased. With intranet search facility, which in essence has been extended to all areas of IBM’s sites, workers can logs onto certain portals, and then they can use a key word search. If they are typing a particular keyword, the result of search will come from IBM podcast, videocast, blogs, wikis, and forums. This way of utilizing information technology gave the IBM two benefits: knowledge and collaborating sharing.
Toshiba America Medical System, Inc (TAMS)
TAMS is one of the providers of comprehensive medical solutions and diagnostic medical imaging system, which has been decided to add a communication component online that put all the information (include the employee handbook) in it. By doing so, the document will be a living entity, which means it can be modified when necessary. TAMS’ HRD have been used Ultimate Software, which in essence covering on-budget and on-time implementation. The final selection on Ultimate Software constituted based on some initial selection, on which the company was firstly used in-house solution and a payroll service for HR – which didn’t come as an easy solution for employee portal. An improvement appears right after the implementation of Ultimate Software, marked by an increased number of open enrollment efficiency.
Shaw’s Supermarket
Shaw’s Supermarket is joined onto the chain of largest supermarket in New England. About 30,000 employees joined with the company, and they worked in more than 180 stores located in six states. To centralize HR operation, the company has had an Employee Self-Service solution, which gives HR an opportunity to solely focus on other strategic issues, such as compensation management, succession planning and workforce management. At the same time, this solution is successfully improving service to managers and employees. The data provided by Employee Self-Service are available online, and the Shaw’s employees have the right to access benefits information, training material, forms, and other kind of payroll related information.
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