In this day, many people find themselves trap in the office and doing the job they don’t like. Doing the job that makes people unhappy is not the way to live although sometimes people can’t avoid any of this. This is when career planning comes through, where it basically helps people to focus on their career and give people the best chance to get what they really want in their life.
There are several steps that people must go through when you make plan on your career, start with self assessment, job exploration, set goal and action. People can follow these simple steps and find them self having the perfect plan and follow it as best as they can. There is also a career development professional person out there that can help with this matter, for those who can’t manage to do it on their own.
First step in career plan is self assessment. This step will help people to recognize themselves in much deeper way. There are many tools that can be used in this step from personality test, career test, self evaluation form and many more. What people can expect when they finish with the first step is to identify their value, personal interest, skill, things they like to do, the kind of job they like to have, strength, weakness and everything else.
The most important thing that people must understand in the first step is to be honest with their self. They need to find out everything about them and not about what other people (parents or teacher expect from them).
Once people finish their self assessment, they can begin the next step and that is job exploration. It is about time to learn and find out more about potential career options. People can find this kind of information from different source. They can ask to other people or search from online source. It will open their eyes to what is lying ahead and it will help them to get on to the next step.
Next step is to set up the goal. Those who already found out everything about who they are and get more information about potential career that is available out there, should be able to come up with several name of job that they like to have. It is about time to set up the goal and make decision on which career that they like to go after. Once they set up the goal, they can identify everything about it, from how do they can achieve this goal and what is the obstacle they need to conquer.
It is wise to have a backup plan just in case a scenario doesn’t work. A career plan is supposed to help people set up their mind on specific area and pursue it rather than spending time and energy on broader area. While this career plan work for those who were still in college, a slightly different plan can be made once people manage to work on the job they like.
Career plan for an employee is more to how they make plan about the career they already have. It’s all about planning something that will bring them up to better place in the future and not just stuck in the same position over the year. For those who were looking for a job and want to have bright career in the future, they need to make sure that the company they work on have clear rules about it. Many companies have set clear rules about job position and how do people can work from one position to a higher one.
Once people get inside the company, they can set up their own goal. By identifying their own skill, people need to make plan on how to make those skill really useful in their line of work. Keeping up good work and showing active participation on all events will help to bring the employer attention.
The same way goes to the company itself. A good company needs to make clear standard on job promotion. It will help the employee to be able to work on themselves to meet these standards and allow them to sit on better position in the company. It is also part that make people want to stick in the company for long time and it means less and less turnover.
Career plan is an important thing both for individual and the company. For the people career plan will help them to focus their mind to their goal for better life in the future, while for the company career plan is a good way to maintain their employee and to expect them work even more productive. It brings the best for both sides and seeing the importance of it, it is highly recommended to plan it as early as possible.
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