In order to get somewhere in life one needs to choose certain goals and dreams. These goals should not be of a vague structure but rather well defined aims with means, effort and planning all things incorporated. Many people struggle very hard in their life, but still have this feeling that they have not gotten anywhere certain in life or lack a sense of achievement.
The main reason for having such thoughts and feelings could be that they have not made formal and well-structured goals and aims, which they can follow and achieve.
Going out on a journey without any certain aspect in mind will lead the journey to nowhere. This does not mean that every aim or goal we have should be of a materialistic accord, but quite simply they can be related to personal growth of an individual, finding love or achieving happiness.
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This thing could be something that if we don’t want in our life as a whole then let’s say will at least cover 10 years of our life. Thus identifying what we want to do in our life as a whole.
Once the big picture has been decided, then what you need to do is break down the whole process into smaller targets and objectives, which will ultimately take you towards achieving the larger goal of life. Planning is the key throughout the process, once a plan has been made you can start working on it to get achieve these small targets and ultimately the bigger goal.
Starting with planning the bigger picture then moving to the smaller one’s make our aims more precise. We then work off from smaller to the big thing we want in life, from today, to the week, next month, to the year and then from five to ten year plans, thus finally reaching or have achieved the ultimate goal we have set for our self.
There are certain categories of goals as well. These are education, finance, career, family, physical, personal, artistic or creative, pleasure and public serving. These goals must be set on different levels in every individual as the level of achievement in all these categories are different and are based on different criteria’s.
Mainly set by the goal setter them self. We can choose which ones we want to concentrate on the time, break them down from bigger to smaller targets, and start working on achieving them. It is important that whichever goal we set for our self is a reflection of what we really want to do in our life and what makes us the most happy.
These goals should be in balance and cohesion with our family and personal life, but never be solely based on the opinion and wishes of other people in our life whether family, friend, boss or even partner. However having their say especially that of life partner’s is of outmost importance, as this is what will bring real success and harmony in life.
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