Goal Setting Technique to Enhance Your Performance

Everyone has specific goals in life and you are probably one of those people. Goals are desires that you want to achieve by taking an action. Your action will determine if you are moving forward towards your goal or not. Working hard and taking action are always a part of achieving your goals.

For instance, you need to accomplish something as soon as possible. If you don’t take an action it will not lead you to what goals you have.

And without a hard work you are not able to move forward and take steps towards your desire. Goal setting is very important thing you need to know. It works effectively and gives you clear vision along the process of achieving your goal. Continue reading

Setting Goals for Long Term Perspective

Everyone set goals in his/her life. Either it is your personal goal of buying BMW; academic goal of passing exams with outstanding graduates or even if it is your professional goal of becoming CEO of a company.

Everyone lives by setting goals. Setting goalsand working hard to achieve that goal gives the assurance of continuous progress. Self satisfaction is obtained when visible progress is observed in achieving goals. We are born with the strong problem solving skills that helps us in raising the graph of growth.

Goals should be realistic, challenging, and measurable and it should be defined for specific time. Deadline should be set. Goals can be long term or short term. Continue reading