Management style is very crucial for any organization or corporation. This is because if you don’t have an effective management style, the organization will surely collapse.
This will certainly affect the sales or income of the company. Management style is the method of management methods or systems that one should follow in order to succeed. Any corporation or business must have an effective management style. It is considered as an essential key to success of a company.
As there are several types of management styles, it is quite difficult to choose the right one. This is because you will able to choose the one that can be beneficial for your needs and requirements.
Each type of management style does have its advantage and disadvantages. Choosing the wrong one can cause chaos on the organization.
One of the common mistakes of many managers is selecting a management style that is not applicable for the company. This will have an effect on the overall flow of the company. Deciding on the right management style can be a daunting task to do.
This can be hard especially for new managers. Hence you are expected to run and supervise a certain company or department effectively, it is very imperative to choose the one that can benefit your company. It would be best to select the right style that offers the best solution.
Knowing the management style is very useful. It can be your main tool on how to determine the ideal style that can be effective for your company needs and requirements.
Autocratic Style
Autocratic is considered as the oldest management style. This is a type of management, wherein you need to follow the order to get things completed. This is very common during the early civilizations wherein the slaves have to follow their master without any question or objection. This is called also as a slavery management style.
On the other hand, remember that this management style is only a one way communication. The followers should follow every order of their master without any issue or question. Things should be done on a given period.
This management style is still being used these days in the environment like crisis management, emergency situation, arm forces and others. This is also used by some of leaders of the country that will require immediate evacuation of people. No one will be waited or ask for any feedback or idea. This is very effective management especially if it deals with the lives of many people.
Democratic Style
Democratic is a type of management style that is the opposite of autocratic style. This is because a task or decision is made after obtaining the opinion or feedback of the people. The feedback plays a very significant role in making a decision.
One perfect example of democratic style of management is through elections. Meaning to say, an aspiring leader who wants to lead a country will have to get the votes of the people to be elected. On the other hand, democratic management style is also applied when the managers are making decisions. When the company needs to make some changes, it will require votes from the majority of the stockholders or members of the board.
Moreover, the democratic style is also typically guided by a supervisor or manager who has made a particular evaluation. This is very effective for any company or business that will require the feedback of the people.
Participative Style
>Participative is a management style that is a bit similar to democratic management. This is because it will require the opinion of people like the employees. On the other hand, the decision does not typically follow most of the votes. The only difference of this management style is the decision is that the leader or the manager can still has the final say on the decision.
Laissez Faire
Laissez Fair is a management style that is known as a free hand style. It is where the managers doesn’t make interfere or decision. It will just allow the issue to grow itself either positive or negative.
This is a management style that is ideal to handle such rumor. One example here is the disagreement between two parties. In order to settle the difficulty, both parties should evaluate the differences in order to determine the best way to settle.
Choosing the best management system is crucial because it can be the main foundation of a particular company or organization to succeed. Additionally, it may help one to choose the best method that you have to follow. As a manager, it is your main responsibility to determine the right management style that can surely help your company succeed.
Finally, once you have selected the right management style for your company, it would be just easy to run and manage your company.
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