When it comes to the military leadership training, the West Point Academy may be the best. Undoubtedly, this military school has been producing the best leaders in every military branch especially if a soldier has undergone military leadership training at West Point Academy.
Military leadership is formed in a sequential and continuing series. Likewise, the training is carefully planned along with experiential events.
Such training is more expensive and time consuming as compared to any similar training in the government or industry. The good thing about this training is that military leaders execute high levels of authority and responsibility.
Additionally, the concept of military leadership training is based on service, duty and self-sacrifice. Leadership defines the moral responsibility of those in the higher ranks to their followers.
In addition, leadership training in the military is not for the benefit of the soldiers alone but also it is a way of extending the care for the soldier’s families.
True leadership influences survival or physical well-being when deployed in crisis conditions. Good leaders are significant in untoward circumstances so that they can inspire and boost confidence of their followers.
If the followers have confidence and trust on their leaders, most likely they will not complain instead more willing to serve. Thus, leadership training at West Point Academy is considered as transformational leadership in such a way that it manifests a dominant style of a leader.
Moreover, the leadership training is designed psychologically and scientifically in order to build dedicated member and physical fit military men.
The certificate in the leadership training can increase the criteria for a rank promotion. However, it also follows that as the rank increases, the responsibilities also increase.
Such increase in responsibility and rank requires execution of the concepts of leadership. In leadership training, they are also taught physical and mental challenges. The training program also includes respect, resourcefulness and courage as well as inspiration to others.
Indeed, the military leadership training offers a lot of benefits not only to the men in uniform but also to the government. The best leadership is considered as an obligation to serve whether in war or in peacetime.
The value of military leadership is a manifestation of selflessness and flexibility as demanded by precarious circumstances.
Furthermore, leadership training in the military academy adheres to the ten military principles as follows:
1. Integrity
2. Duty
3. Passion
4. Impeccability
5. Teamwork
6. Selfless service
7. Planning
8. Loyalty
9. Perseverance
10. Flexibility
The significance of leadership training does not end while still in military service. It is because leadership is valuable in dealing with real-life situations.
Retiring from the military service can still find an opportunity and all the things learned from the leadership training can be implemented in real life.
A good leader can easily influence and direct personnel in building willing teamwork, respect, confidence and cooperation in accomplishing daily task assignments. Likewise, it is also vital in developing healthy and safety attitude among personnel. Therefore, it is important to value the importance of leadership training in any military ground.
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