Burn out is simply defined as a job stress which affects the employee’s state of mental, physical and emotional stress. This is commonly happened in the working place. This is usually occurs when the employee failed to meet demands or unable to do their job well. This is really frustrating.
The pressure and stress will surely make you breaks down. When stress hits you, you begin to lose interest and motivation that will leads you to make decisions like leaving the company.
Everyone knows that working is not just a simple responsibility for you to earn money. If you really want to be successful with your goals in life you need to understand every situation has a remedy. And every possibility always depends on how you react to certain situations.
According to 90/10 principle of Steven Covey, “10% of life is made up of what happens to you. 90% of life is decided by how you react”.
There are millions of people all over the world suffering from stress, trials, and depression because they know how to handle situations. If you know how to deal with it, you can save yourself from burn out. The way you react to some situations in your working place has something to do with your future.
If you are self-motivated person, you are able to fight negative emotions even you are on your worst situation.
There are lots of reasons that will lead to burn out. To mention some of this, first is the social relationship. Relationship with co-worker usually affects the performance of the employee.
If you have a good relationship to your boss and co-employees you are able to perform your job well. No trouble gives you a piece of mind. Bullies usually are one of the common reasons why employees quit their job.
Another is lack of recognition. Everyone wants to be appreciated. By recognizing or appreciating efforts of your employee will give them the feeling that they are part of the company. Every good performance deserves to be acknowledged.
This will serve as a motivation to employee to perform excellent on their jobs. Rewards or incentives are very effective way to give back all the good things that the employee brought to the company.
Another is inadequate pay. This is also one of the common reasons to burn out employee. Too much work and pressure without receiving the right salary you deserve is just a waste of time and effort.
Some of the employees quit from their job because of too much stressed caused by too many loads of work. It’s not a problem to do a lot of task and stress yourself as long as you are getting the right price.
Good salary that companies can offer can get the desire of the employee and make them show interest at work. It also motivates employee to perform well on their task.
People work to earn money, and everyone know that earning money is not easy. Company should be responsible with everything to avoid their employees from burn out. T
hey are the one who has a great authority to take control of everything. Providing trainings or seminars to improve employee skills and personality development is important to build future leaders of the company.
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